A wise man once said the best camera is the one that’s with you. Same goes for video cameras too. Though unfortunately, in today’s world when everybody is carrying a mobile phone that has the option for ‘videography’, not every soul who hits the ‘record’ button can do justice to the moment. Capturing the perfect video takes more than just good equipment. You most definitely need some perspective and also a bit of know-how. Well, whether it’s a camcorder, or a mobile phone or a professional video camera that is being used to shoot, these few video tips will give your work an instant boost in quality.
- Shoot steady video: A tripod is an easy answer to producing steady video, but avoid becoming dependent on it. You can shoot steady video without lugging around a lot of gear.
- Avoid unnecessary zooms and pans: We understand the urge of hitting zoom button every amateur experiences while picking up video cam for the first time. But these moves actually fall into the amateur video territory. So, make sure there’s a reason you are zooming or panning. Otherwise, steer clear of it.
- Adhere to the rule of third: Consider all those family photos where the subject’s eyes are smack dab in the centre of the photo. Those are not examples of good composition. Instead, try rule of third and this will help you frame items within your shot better.
- Clever use of lighting: Good videography is all about lighting, lighting, lighting. Just because we can see people’s faces when they’re backlit doesn’t mean the camera can. Clever composition of lighting is crucial and has the potential to make or break your video.
- Don’t overuse special effects: Here’s another thing that screams ‘Amateur’ when people gets overzealous using. Unnecessary use of special effects can very easily make your shot lose its original charm. The trick here is knowing when to use what effect.
- Practice widescreen videos: With widescreen videos, you can capture much more content in a single shot. Think of how you can make this extra visual space work for you.
- Get an opening and closing shot: While shooting, keep in mind to have an opening and a closing shot. Opening shot makes it easy to hook the audience while a good closing shot leaves the audience with a good feeling about what they just viewed.
- Ace the audio: If lighting is the most important element in quality video, audio runs a close second. Sound is tremendously important. If you’re trying to film someone talking near a busy place, get your subject(s) as close to the microphone as possible. Also, listen for sounds you can use in your project. Even if the video quality is mediocre, grab that audio.
Too many rules to remember, it might seem to you now, but get your positive attitude on and in a few days the standard tricks will become so routine that you’ll be able to concentrate on creativity and not just the basics.
Video Production Gold coast is a video production team who has both the experience and skillset to bring the most out of any beautiful moments. If you need any help with your video editing or transferring or need some assistance branding and marketing, call us and we would be happy to help.